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TLC - Nations Together Loving Christ Women’s Discipleship Ministry

We are women in love with The Lord, Jesus Christ, devoted to our families, supportive of our Church, and determined to help others know and enjoy the fullness of life that only Christ can give. We are women who honor our heritage of faith as we live vibrantly in the present looking to het glorious hope of our future in Christ.

We are women just like you! Young, old, and everything in between, married, single, widowed or divorced. Some of us have children, some don't. Some of us are mom's that work, and mom's that don't, wives at home, sisters at school, empty nesters, and well... you get the picture.

Faithfulness, love, devotion, unity, committment, and strength may be words that describe the Women of Royalty, they are not qualities or charachter traits that come naturally or easily to us or anyone. These attributes are present and evident in our lives only because of our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. This relationship is nutured and refined through prayer, bible study, and the faithful application and pratice of biblical truths and principles in every area of our lives. The following values (A.K.A. Core3) are what we endeavor to base our ministry on...

KNOW Jesus Intimately

LOVE Jesus Faithfully

SERVE Jesus Fruitfully

We invite you to join us! Come spend some time with us, explore our webiste so that you may discover more about who we are and who we are becoming... What we have done and what we are doing... Why we do what we do... and where God may be calling YOU to come to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE Jesus Christ.

If you're looking for a Church, QUIT LOOKING! We want you here!